
The Importance of Web Accessibility

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Considering that the Internet has been considered a human right since 2016 by the ONU and also, is a fundamental right in many countries. They have the responsibility to ensure that access to the Internet is widely available and cannot be unjustifiably restricted. 

This occurred when the United Nations Human Rights Council approved a resolution for the “promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet”. The document states that access to the Internet is, from 2016 onwards, considered a basic right of all human beings. 

The text states that “the same rights that people have offline must be protected online”, especially regarding freedom of expression, which is defended in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 

Consequently, web accessibility is an important key to creating a more inclusive society by eliminating barriers that restrict a person’s access to jobs, housing, civic participation and much more.

Do You Really Understand What Is Accessibility?

But, the truth of the matter is that web accessibility often goes unnoticed or seen as a privilege, which makes it more difficult for people with disabilities to gain equal access to the online world and its rich bounty of resources. Have you ever thought on this?

What is Web Accessibility?

The short answer is: the ability for an app, website, or software to be accessible to people who have a disability that affecting their vision, hearing, cognition, and/or motor functions.

And a solution to this issue, is helping through several kinds of assistive technology tools that make it easier to navigate a website and interact with its content. Some examples of these tools include screen readers, alternative keyboards and/or trackpads, screen magnifiers, eye tracking tools, and more.

The idea with these assistive tools is to help them navigate and interact in an environment that, by nature, poses challenges as a result of a disability. Websites that are not compatible with assistive technology tools represent greater challenges and hurdles that discourage them from using the space.

How to Improve Web Accessibility?

Well… if we see this like an option to be better, the developers can improve the website accessibility by employing the Universal Design Principles to building or redesigning a website. Doing so can ensure the disabled community can access a particular website with the help of their assistive technology.

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