
A good or bad future with Internet use

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The Internet entered our daily lives in the late 1990s, not so long ago, but in such a short time it has changed our lives. So much so that we wonder how the Internet will change in the future. We don’t have a crystal ball to know, but the new technology experts have their guesses.

Possible future for the Internet

From the beginning, we connected the Internet to computers, but this definition took a long time, and now the Internet is available for tablets, cell phones, and many other things that make our daily lives easier, such as cars and even refrigerators. In the future, everyone agrees that this trend will only increase in the future and we will start to see the potential of the Internet in other devices and products.

Internet usage will increase. A wireless network will act as a primary access point for many devices. Computers that serve as the backbone of the Internet rely on high-speed physical connections that can transfer data at high speeds. If we move from 2G to 5G in a few years, sending the equivalent of a Blu-ray disc full of data over the Internet will soon become commonplace.

Some advances may sound like science fiction, but many believe that by 2050 we may have optical devices that will allow us to access the Internet without the need for a screen. Even if we think self-revolution is irrelevant, we can do the same by simply creating the ability to see through glasses. A good example of this is Google Glass.

New forms of communication

The brain structure theory, popular among experts, shows that when this happens, you have to think, then this structure will do the work on its own, which is likely to facilitate communication. The experts who participated in the Pew Center survey agree that we are changing in terms of the way we communicate. Before long, written messages will disappear, giving way to, among other things, voice communication and messages configured through assistants such as Siri or Alexa. This means that you won’t be looking for guests or equipment, but you will ask questions and appear to follow along in conversation.

The end of privacy on the Internet

Every time you ask a provider for something, you are giving more information about yourself to the company behind that provider. Anyone who does this sacrifices some of their privacy for convenience. This will not only decrease, but it will also increase, and the technologies used to do this will increase our ability to know what we want. They will learn from our behavior and anticipate our needs. These are the types of companies that will make the most money: On our data about our personality, behavior, and preferences. This leads to changes in the marketing and promotion of products and services. Advertisements will be well organized and detailed. Of course, this will come at a price, and experts believe that we will be giving up more of our independence.


The beginning of bio-data revolution has already begun with wearables and connected devices that collect information about our health. Many believe that this is in the best interest of society, as having vast amounts of health data can lead to the ability to generate better health practices. The ability of doctors to know what we eat, how much we exercise, and what we do in our daily lives will allow them to implement increasingly personalized programs to meet our health needs.

But as in other fields, the most important thing in this field will be who has the data and how they use it. In general, the experts who answered the questions posed for the study are optimistic in this regard, but they also warn that there is a sense that at the individual level, this can be harmful. There is a growing theory that information about our health and genetics can be used to differentiate us as a species.

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