Keys to minimalist interior design

house, pool, interior design

Most people today are familiar with the concept of minimalism, which involves reducing things to their basic form. It can be used in everything from art and lifestyle to architecture and interior design. Minimalist interior design is like modern interior design and includes the use of basic materials to create a simple and orderly space….

Cloud Computing in the Web

iot, internet of things, network

To begin, we must understand what cloud computing is, it is based on the delivery of hosted services over the Internet, which are divided into three main categories, which are: Similarly, the cloud can provide easy and scalable access to computing resources and IT services, whether private or public, for anyone who needs it. However,…

The Importance of Web Accessibility

interface, internet, program

Considering that the Internet has been considered a human right since 2016 by the ONU and also, is a fundamental right in many countries. They have the responsibility to ensure that access to the Internet is widely available and cannot be unjustifiably restricted.  This occurred when the United Nations Human Rights Council approved a resolution…